Safe, Efficient, Profitable: A Worker Safety Podcast
Joe and Jen Allen of Allen Safety LLC take their combined 40+ years of worker safety, OSHA, EPA, production, sanitation, and engineering experience in Manufacturing Plants including Harvest Plants/Packers, Case Readies and Further Processing Plants, Food Production Plants, Feed Mills, Grain Elevators, Bakeries, Farms, Feed Lots, and Petro-Chemical and bring you their top methods for identifying risk, preventing injuries, conquering the workload, auditing, managing emergencies and catastrophic events, and working through OSHA citations. They're breaking down real safety opportunities, safety citations, and emergency situations from real locations, and discussing realistic solutions that can actually be implement based on their personal experiences spending 40+ weeks in the field every year since 2001. Joe and Jen are using all of that experience to provide a fresh outlook on worker safety by providing honest, (no sponsors here!) and straight forward, easy to understand safety coaching with actionable guidance to move your safety program forward in a way that provides tangible results.
Farm, Feed Lot & Feed Mill Safety: More Than Animal Handling & Moving Trailers
#72 Electrical Safety: A Shockingly Fresh Take On Training, Programs & Inspections
Trending Safety, EHS & PSM Risks Managers Must Mitigate in 2025
2024 Safety Wrap-Up: Top Safety Failures, Trends & Solutions
The Cost of Personal Agendas May Be Safety: BONUS Episode
Is Your Safety Consultant Ethical?
#67: Is Your Safety Culture Stressing Your Employees Out?
#67 Safety Managers: Is it Time For A Job Change?
#66: Safety Training- Are You Overpaying For What You're Getting?
The Real Cost of Work Place Injuries: What You're Not Calculating
Is Ergonomics A Waste of Money? #64
What to do After A Regulatory (OSHA) Inspection: A Step by Step Guide
SDS & Chemical Safety Toolbox IN SPANISH: Hojas de Datos de Seguridad... ¿Quién las entiende?
#62: Eliminating Language Barriers in Worker Safety
Who's Liable? Navigating Multi-Employer Work Sites: Host Employer vs Contractors #61
Create Continuous Improvement in Safety Without Adding Risk #60
How to Write Safety Programs: Best Practices from Safety Experts #59
Elevated Work & Fall Protection: Top 5 Problems & Solutions #58
Contractor Safety: Construction Safety Audits & Smooth Projects #57
#56 Hot Work & Fire Watch Toolbox Talk- Problems & Solutions
#55: Ladder Safety- Top Ladder Safety Problems & Solutions
#54:How Confined Space Reclassification Saves Money + How To Reclassify Confined Spaces
#53: Confined Space Training- Do You Need It?
#53 Confined Space Training Length, High Angle/Rope Rescue: BONUS EPISODE
#52: Writing Confined Space Assessments: Our Experts' Answers